With summer approaching most people will spend more and more time in the
sun. Along with the increasing sunlight comes the danger of sun
damage through sun burn or more seriously skin cancer. Statistics show
that more than one million new cases of skin cancer will be diagnosed in
the United States every year.
Sunscreens protect the skin from the ultraviolet rays of the sun by
either scattering the light away from the body or absorbing the rays
before they reach the skin. Ultra violet B (UVB) rays are the ones that
cause skin cancer. Ultraviolet A (UVA) rays don’t cause sunburn, they
penetrate deep into the skin and cause wrinkles. They also increase the
skin cancer risk. Some sunscreens only protect against one type of
ultraviolet ray. To get protection from both types of rays, choose a
broad spectrum sunscreen which protects against both UVA and UVB rays.
Sunscreens are rated by a sun protection factor (SPF) which only applies
to UVB rays. The SPF is followed by a number, for example fifteen.
This means that it will take fifteen times as long to get sunburn when
you use the product. A common myth is that the higher the SPF rating on
a sunscreen the more sun protection you receive. In fact, the
incremental benefit from a higher SPF is not as significant as one would
believe. For example an SPF-15 sunscreen is 93% effective but an
SPF-30 is not twice as effective it is only 97% effective, only a slight
For those concerned about added chemicals in skin care products,
consumer should seek out a natural sunscreen. Look for certification
from the National Products Association. They certify products that
contain natural ingredients and limit harmful additives. Natural
sunscreens are PBA-free and usually contain the two active ingredients
titanium dioxide and zinc oxide which are safe mineral sunscreens. They
may also include Vitamin E and natural seed oils like safflower oil and
sunflower oil.
Sunscreen should be applied liberally to exposed areas of the skin. If
you will be swimming or sweating a lot, look for waterproof brands.
Application should be repeated the longer you stay exposed to the sun.
Don’t overlook simpler remedies like hats, sunglasses and protective
clothing to avoid the dangers of sun exposure.