My house is full of color! By that I mean my Son which is 12 is ADHD and Bi-Polar, my 7 year old daughter is ADHD and ODD (Oppositonal Defiance Disorder), and then there is the 2 year old that needs NO introduction. It is always a fight going on around here and staying on your toes at all times. The only rest you get is once they are all in bed asleep and even then the baby don;t sleep all night unless she is in the BIG bed with Mama and Daddy! So here getting NO sleep unfortuantly is normal although it can't be very healthy for any of us.
I often wonder to myself what is "Normal"? Do the Drs. and Psychotherapists really know what is normal or what should be normal? And does their house run in what is Normal? I have meet a Drs. child who is Anirexic and a Therepists child that has more problems than most. I'm guessinf that what works for you. I Love all my little NUTS here. I have considred getting a Warning sign and posting in my front yard that reads " Warning this property main contain NUTS". I Love them but sometimes it is tough. My kids fight and threaten to hurt or just wish the other wasnt ever born. It really upsets me but I have learned to read there ques and know what to really get concerned about!
I know what you mean. I have a twelve year old with anger issues, an 8 year old with adhd/odd and a toddler and baby! I love the warning sign idea!